Many techniques help teach someone with learning disabilities skills to compensate or work around their problems.
Neurofeedback is different. It is used to train the area of the brain involved in learning or performing certain skills, such as reading, math or auditory and visual processing.
It is much easier to enhance learning skills when the brain works better. That’s what neurofeedback training is about. There are other training and regulation techniques that we also use in our center to enhance the brain’s capacity to learn.
Recent research shows that learning involves coordination between multiple areas of the brain. These different areas of the brain communicate to each other at incredibly fast speeds. When the timing between them is is off – even slightly, learning can be impaired.
Neurofeedback has been used to train increased coordination and communication between different areas of the brain. This improvement in timing is critical to learning. Think about how hard it is to play tennis, golf or baseball if your timing is off. It’s much harder to learn when the timing in the brain is off. Brain training helps target and train those issues directly.
Some solid research by professionals show the newest “connectivity training” seems to provide more consistent improvements in learning issues such as dyslexia, reading, math deficits, and visual and auditory processing problems.